31Jan 2017


  • Student ofPostgraduate Program of Doctorate in Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University.
  • Lecturer of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University.
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The analysis in specific aims was using Gaduhan Model that was considered as suitable to the existing conditions in Jember Regency. Some analyses would be used in this research, and these included Analysis of Regression, Individually Coefficient Test (t-test), Simultaneously Coefficient Test (F-test), and Classical Assumption Test. Result of research had given some results. (1) Household economic model could explain the behavior of deciding the production of farming and breeding. This decision was influential to the income of farmer household. This decision was numerous, including that about grass-collection worker, on-family breeding worker, concentrate cost, green feed cost, off-family rice-field farming worker, on-family rice-field farming worker, rice-field fertilizer cost, income from rice-field farming, off-family garden farming worker, on-family garden farming worker, income from garden farming, income from beef cattle breeding, income of the family, income from garden field, total cost of rice-field farming, and income from rice-field farming. (2) Income from beef cattle breeding was influenced by the number of beef cattle bred and the number of grass-collection worker. The cost of concentrate was influenced by the purchasing cost for livestock feed greens (HMT). Therefore, HMT cost would be influenced by the number of beef cattle bred. (3) If governmental policy was designated to improve the income of farmer household, then the most effective policy scenario would be the scenario of providing financial aid for rice-field farming at rate of Rp 1,000,000.-. The allocation for each decision was set at percentage point, such as: Grass-collection worker (0.04%); On-family breeding worker (0.24%); Cconcentrate cost (0.00%); Green feed cost (0.00%); Off-family rice-field farming worker (439.00%); On-family rice-field farming worker (45.31%); Rice-field fertilizer cost (4.42%); Income from rice-field farming (7.25%); Off-family garden farming worker (34.07%); On-family garden farming worker (0.00%); Income from garden farming (1.593%); Income from beef cattle breeding (0.00%); Income of the family (30.33%); Income from garden field (1.76%); Total cost of rice-field farming (44.40%); Income from rice-field farming (25.85%); and Garden farming worker (5.94%). (4) If the government could select the proper policy, then policy goal would be conforming to the result of this research, respectively the improvement of household income.

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[Nanang Dwi Wahyono, Zaenal Fanani and Bambang Ali Nugroho and Moch Nasich. (2017); THE MODEL OF BEEF CATTLE BREEDING DEVELOPMENT WITH HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIC APPROACH IN JEMBER REGENCY. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jan). 2554-2564] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3043      
DOI URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3043